Claims Management
With collective backgrounds in medical liability defense and a comprehensive knowledge of litigation and the legal environment, our claims professionals are licensed attorneys and industry experts who have represented healthcare providers for years.
Our goal is to aggressively defend frivolous suits and assess claims and exposure early in litigation. We provide sound professional advice and assistance from the beginning of an untoward event through the conclusion of the claim and/or lawsuit.
We are set apart from traditional carriers due to our significant expertise in litigation, trial management, settlement negotiations and our experience with healthcare providers across the nation. We admire and respect healthcare professionals who make difficult decisions every day in providing the highest level of care, and believe that those practitioners deserve a highly qualified claims team who will provide guidance through the intrusive process of resolving a claim.
Claims solutions include:
Notable experience in defending medical liability claims, physician risk and practice management and coverage analysis for large carriers
Claims and risk management housed in the same department to better facilitate immediate resolution
Quarterly claims calls between our team and insureds, as requested